White-bellied go-away-bird

  • SCIENTIFIC NAME: Corythaixoides leucogaster

  • SWAHILI NAME: Gowee Tumbo-jeupe

Adults look alike but you can tell the difference between males and females by the color of their beaks: Males have black beaks, while females have green beaks.

White-bellied go-away-bird

White-bellied go-away-bird



Daily Rhythm




Conservation Status

least concern


170 to 250 g


Length: 50 cm

White-bellied go-away-bird

Trivia Question

Experts say this bird is:


Its first (inner) toe is placed opposite its fifth toe, which helps it scratch in the dirt.

Social Structure

These birds gather in pairs or small family groups, or can be found alone.


Their loud and distinct “gorrwaaay” call gave rise to their name.


Territorial and restless, groups call loudly to each other as they fly from tree to tree. They are adept climbers among branches and vines.


Least concern


White-bellied go-away birds consume fruit, flowers, and acacia seeds and buds, as well as some invertebrates.


After a vigorous courtship, monogamous pairs build a frail nest in acacia-type trees. Both parents incubate the eggs and help feed chicks, which hatch after around a month and fledge 4-5 weeks afterwards.

Friends & Foes

Birds of prey, monkeys, and snakes can all threaten white-bellied go-away birds.

Population in Kenya

The white-bellied go-away bird is common in much of Kenya.

Range & Habitat

These birds are found in some parts of east and northeast Africa.

White-bellied go-away birds favor acacia steppe and savannas.

Did you know?

These birds easily forage in trees because of their climbing skills, and they are now sometimes regarded as pests because they consume produce from fruit and vegetable farms.