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Dr. Winnie is a decorated conservationist--Kenya awarded her the Order of the Grand Warrior-- and an elephant expert as well as the Mpala Research Centre's (MRC) Executive Director. As MRC faces the twin challenges of climate change and the extinction crisis, she emphasizes that “science-led decision making is extremely important.”
Prior to Mpala, Dr. Winnie worked with the Elephant Protection Initiative (EPI), a coalition of the 21 African countries where the majority of the world’s elephants live. EPI is focused on ending the killing of elephants and especially on the mitigation and prevention of human-elephant conflict.
Passionate about involving women and girls in conservation, she is also a founding member of Women for the Environment Africa. The organization aims to empower female leaders to remedy the gender imbalance in leadership in African environmentalism and conservation.
Here she answers your questions on elephants, poachers, climate change, and more.